Saturday, December 30, 2017

Tapping into Theology: In Defense of the Faith

Join Sursum Corda this month as we "tap into theology" at Schlafely Tap Room (2100 Locust St. St. Louis, MO 63103). Under the guidance of Canon Smith, we will dive into how to properly defend our Catholic Faith through apologetics - a skill which all Catholics should strive to practice!

Send us any theology or apologetics related questions beforehand and Canon will answer them and help us learn how to defend them! You can comment below or send us a facebook message privately.

We will start at St. Francis de Sales for 10am Sunday Mass and then we will head to Schlafley afterwards, expecting to arrive about 12:30pm. **Last minute attendees are always welcome, but please try to RSVP your attendance which will help with a reservation**

Spread the word and bring a friend! Hope to see y'all there!

Sunday, February 11th
10:00am Sunday High Mass at St. Francis de Sales Oratory
~12:30pm "Tap into Theology" at Schlafley Tap Room 
(2100 Locust St. St. Louis, MO 63103)

Don't forget to send us any questions beforehand to!

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