Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Seventh National Sursum Corda Weekend

Seventh Annual Sursum Corda Weekend
August 11th -14th at Mundelein Seminary

We are pleased to announce that, for the seventh year in a row, Sursum Corda is offering a social and spiritual weekend for young people ages 18 and up, August 11-14, 2017.

Word from the Chaplain - Silence

“If you are silent, be silent out of love. If you speak, speak out of love”  

Dear Sursum Cordians,

Communication has become so easy today. We are the “communication generation” and what a variety of communications we have: texts, emails, tweets, comments, selfies, Snapchat, Facetime, WhatsApp, Skype… I’ll let you continue the litany. One click and I’m in direct communication with the other side of the planet. What a progress!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

April: Conference on Scorsese's Silence

Have you seen the new movie "Silence"?  Confused by the controversy surrounding it?

Come join us Saturday, April 8th to sort these details out!  Firstly, we will convene, as usual, with 8am Low Mass at St. Francis de Sales, followed by a "potluck breakfast" in the convent (be sure to bring something small to eat/share: fruit, bagels, juice, etc).  Canon Commins will then give a talk on the book/movie, giving us a closer look at what it actually entails. 

 As always, all young adults aged 18 - 35 are welcome to join us.  Spread the word and bring a friend!

Saturday, April 8th
8am Low Mass at St. Francis de Sales, followed by "potluck breakfast" (bring something to share: bagels, juice, fruit, etc)
~9am: Talk/discussion by Canon Commins on the new movie "Silence"