Thursday, January 29, 2015

February Sursum Corda: Arch Grounds

For the month of February, we will be meeting on Saturday the 21st with a historical trip to St. Louis' very own National Monument:  The Gateway Arch, of course.  Whether you are an out-of-towner, one of those St. Louisan's, or just enjoy a good outing with Catholic friends - you'll have a great time!

We will start the day off with 8am Mass, followed by breakfast in the convent and Canon Todd's final conference in the History of the Holy Mass series.  As usual, if those attending would please volunteer to bring food for breakfast (bagels, juice, cereals, other small dishes, ect) it would be much appreciated.  Let me know what you are bringing by e-mailing

Following breakfast, we will drive (carpool, if possible) to the Arch grounds to take a look at the newly renovated Old Cathedral and visit the Westward Expansion Museum underneath the Arch (please note we do not have plans to go up the Arch). 

Bring your historical knowledge and your friends!  All young adults ages 18 - 35 are welcome!

Hope to see y'all there!

Saturday, February 21st
8am: Holy Mass at SFdS
~8:45am: Breakfast and Conference in the convent (bring food and please let me know what it is!)
10am: Head to the Old Cathedral and Arch Grounds

If you have any further questions, please use the contact form on the right hand side of the page or e-mail:

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