Monday, February 20, 2017

March: Lenten Conference and Ted Drewes

Due to the Sacred Music Workshop on the same weekend as our usual Sursum Corda event (and several Sursum Cordians attending the workshop), we will be pushing our outing to the following Sunday, March 12th.

Come join us at St. Francis de Sales Oratory for the 10am Sunday Mass; listening to the fruits of the Sacred Music Workshop attendees.  Following Mass, we will swing by to Ted Drewes for the World's Best Ice Cream and head to a nearby park (weather permitting), where Canon Commins will give us a short Lenten conference. We will also bring pizza if everyone can pitch in about $5!

Come lift up your hearts with a beautiful Sunday Mass and the good company of great Catholics.  As always, all young adults aged 18 - 35 are welcome to join us.  Spread the word and bring a friend!

Sunday, March 12th
10:00am High Mass at St. Francis de Sales Oratory
~12:00pm Lenten Conference by Canon Commins, followed by a trip to Ted Drewes and pizza in the park.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Word from the Chaplain - Apostolic Zeal

Dear Sursum Cordians,
Dear Friends,

Lift up your hearts!

After a year and a half as chaplain for Sursum Corda - Saint Louis, I have been assigned to be the chaplain for National Sursum Corda. This is a great joy for me to be able to participate, in a small way, to the formation of tomorrow’s Catholic families and vocations. As you all know, Sursum Corda is a nationwide initiative to foster the spiritual lives of the Catholic adults (aged 18 - 35) within the apostolates of the Institute of Christ the King - Sovereign Priest. This formation of America’s young adults would not be possible without your generosity, your apostolic zeal, and your prayers.

I would like to consider more specifically this second point: Apostolic zeal.